Wednesday, November 28, 2012

First Steps Day!

I'm a little behind in blogging but on November 26th Enzo took his first steps!  He took about three steps in the nursery in the afternoon then about 5 steps later that evening.  He hasn't done it since, but we've got the cameras ready in case he does!  His 10th tooth came in yesterday and there are two more bottom molars that are just bursting.  Poor little guy, he's been working on those molars for weeks.

These are some of his current interests:

Getting tangled up in cords.  He thinks it's hilarious.

Harassing the dishwasher.  Cannot keep him away from it when it is open!  Hopefully he takes after Grandpa Gary and will LOVE doing the dishes.

Our daily battle: Baby vs. Cds vs. Parents.  If we had storage I would box up so many books and CDs to store until he's older, but we have no space to put extra boxes.  Not sure what to do about this.

A stop at the beach on our way up to San Francisco 2 weeks ago.  Got some great shots of these two dudes.

Eating noodles at Cha-Ya, a vegetarian Japanese restaurant.  He made such a mess....and enjoyed every minute of it.

Trying ice cream for the first time.  "But, you didn't say it was cold, mom!"

"Ok, it's all good now."

And Enzo's stellar table manners at Thanksgiving.  You could say he was really into this meal!  I had to wash his shoes more than any other part of him after eating.  He's been experimenting a lot with using utensils lately.  We usually don't give him a fork obviously, but he's been pretty proficient with a spoon and yogurt!

 And for those who haven't seen this video (from October 30th):

He picks up this skill of putting the frog in the chute so quickly!  Well, it sure impressed me.

In 2 weeks I will no longer have a baby but a toddler!!  We're clearing out stuff we no longer use - co-sleeper, infant car seat - for new things that he will definitely be getting for his birthday and the holidays.  We're ready for the onslaught of packages!

Monday, November 5, 2012


Farmer Enzo at your service!!

Standing farmer.

I thought decorating the stroller would be easier than decorating him, so I put some hay at the bottom with some farm animals and pumpkins I had just bought at the farmer's market.  There is also a little rake attached to his rings.  He was a big hit downtown where there was a parade of children getting candy from local businesses!

I also dressed up accordingly.

First Halloween a success!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Favorite Photos from our Michigan Trip

At his 10/12ths birthday party hosted by Grandma Tweet Tweet.

At the Grand Rapids Children's Museum.  He's going to have more fun every year he goes.  He really loved the magnet table with the nuts and bolts.  

Look at all the wonder in that little face!

At Wiard's Orchard.  

Watching the goats.  We had to peel him away from them!

 We were loving the fall colors in Ann Arbor.

With bonus swinging video!

 With Grandpa G in his big truck!