Monday, April 7, 2014


Grateful for Deborah for watching Enzo while we went on a spontaneous movie date!  It was so fun.  Chinese food afterward. 

Grateful for playing with friends in the garden.

Grateful for crepes with Danish gooseberry jam for breakfast.

Grateful for puppy love.

Grateful for a family adventure.  We meant to go to the Monterrey Aquarium but we didn't even make it out of Santa Cruz.  Oh well, ice cream was had and the boy was happy.  

Video of ice cream enjoyment.  Was too busy eating to respond to my questions.  Also, this was the first time I've ever seen Enzo cold.  He's extremely temperature tolerant and eating ice cream on the breezy wharf made him shiver a little.  But he didn't even complain. 

Grateful for a boy who is enthusiastic about paint.

We're off to Michigan in two days for a week and a half of glorious family time and a Passover celebration.  It's been too long and we're chomping at the bit to get on that plane.  Will update the blog with pictures from the trip when we get back.