Friday, August 31, 2007

Feel Better Rusty and Dell!

These guys have had some rough times lately. I hope you two feel better soon. Hopefully you will get your "Get Well" package soon.
Mmmmm...gingerbread stars and bones.

All Lit Up!

Brian took this one:

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Birthday Cake!

It's my good friend's birthday today and this is her favorite cake. I made it for her as a surprise last year without even knowing that chocolate and raspberries was her favorite dessert combination. Chocolate-Raspberry Blackout Cake (from one of my favorite cookbooks, Vegan with a Vengeance) is now the August 29th birthday tradition.

Sorry, the natural lighting at 6pm is not great for food photos! The cake is really not blue...


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Vacation Pictures

We all had a great time last week. Being in the wilderness is the perfect way to clear the mind and prepare for the months ahead. I didn't think that backpacking into the wilderness was going to be a relaxing time, but without TV, the internet, phone access and hundreds of books and magazines laying around all we had to do was play in the glacier lakes, lay in the sun and take naps. Of course climbing 4000 ft. in 1.5 miles can be challenging when the air is so thin, but it felt good.

The first day we drove through Yosemite. Here is the ubiquitous photo of Half Dome.The first night we car camped in a campground close to the trailhead. Our backpacking trip was in the Hoover Wilderness, part of a national forest bordering the northeastern part of Yosemite. The benefit is that Turnip is allowed, unlike a State Park (re: Yosemite) which is very restrictive for the activities of the canine companion. Here we are on the second day getting ready for the big hike:

Although she looks pretty mad here, she did very well carrying her food, sleeping pad and toys. I think she was upset that we put this on her at first, but once we started on the trail she was literally a happy camper.First lake on the hike. This scene is typical of the Sierra Nevada mountain range.
We stopped at every lake to refill water bottles and for Turnip to cool off. Unfortunately she wouldn't cooperate for this photo. These lakes are from glacial run off and are freezing!
This is at base camp. Turnip is hiding in the grasses to protect us from bears, mountain lions and rattle snakes. She did a very good job! She would often patrol around the tent to make sure things were safe. Such a good guard dog - in an apartment or in the wilderness.
This is one lake consisting of Frog Lakes. Surrounding it is meadows and berry bushes the black bears are fond of. This is the closest lake to our base camp where we would gather and filter all of our water. You can also see remnants of glaciers in the background. So pretty.......
Day hike climbing up to 12,000 ft. on the third day. I think there is something wrong with the camera - I couldn't get a picture of us not looking fat!

View from 12,000 ft! It's much more beautiful in person of course.
I've got a few more good photos, but I'll save them for another time.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Busy busy

The never ending tasks this past week were all in preparation for our camping trip to Yosemite. We're having guests stay while we were gone and we've been doing loads of deep cleaning (including renting a carpet cleaning machine) to get ready. Today is all about surface cleaning.

I've also been frantically knitting all week because of a baby shower I attended yesterday. She liked the hats and blanket I made her and it will be all worth it when I can see them on the new bundle. The baby is due around Jake's birthday. I don't think I can knit for awhile because my hands are very achy from the continuous hours of knitting I had to do to finish up on time. I will post pics later of some recent wee baby items that I have to admit are adorable.

We're leaving for the mountains Monday morning and we'll be back Saturday evening. We bought a new 4 person tent so everyone one will be comfortable and there will be no stealing of the sleeping bags by a certain dog. Also, Turnip has her own backpack this time and she is not happy about this. She will just have to deal with it. We are spending two nights in the back country, one night car camping and the last night at a motel on our way out.

I thought I had a lot more to say but I think I covered all the basics. Well I have a ton a laundry and cleaning to do before I go to work so I must get on with my "day of doom".

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Most Painful Pie

Near us, there is a 2 mile stretch of blackberry brambles. We took a large container and the dog and headed out on a berry picking adventure last Tuesday. Well, those things are really sharp and I have cuts all over my legs to prove it. I thought while picking the berries that a pie would never be good enough to be worth all this pain and bleeding, but yet, to my surprise, it was.

We picked two pounds! This would have cost $20 at the farmer's market. (What's a little blood when you can save $20?)My first attempt ever at making a top crusted pie (with homemade pie dough). Joy of Cooking helped me figure out those fancy edges.
It only bubbled over in one spot.
Oh the juices! It was still a little warm when I cut it, but firmed up considerably when it cooled. Best fruit pie ever!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

It's a curious thing when....

Turnip's thighs smell like tomatoes.
Ok, not that curious. She was just probably dozing by the mater patch.

After I posted this, I thought that it would make me seem quite odd that I would be sniffing Turnip's thighs in the first place. Well, you know I am so don't ask any questions.

This is Jake's hefeweizen that's fermenting in our linen closet. In two weeks it will be put in bottles.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

What's going on

It's August already and I still haven't done most of things I wanted to accomplish this summer. The house needs a thorough organizing, my Spanish needs improving and I have a ton of little projects that just need finishing up. However, my friend had her baby a week early and I've been feverishly knitting to get these gifts to her in a reasonable amount of time. They are now 99% done and I will deliver them soon. I'll put pictures up later of all the knitted cuteness.

Jake is finishing up his grades from his class that just ended and will be working on a book chapter until his classes start in late September. He's buying a homebrew kit this weekend and plans to start brewing his own beer again. He hasn't done it for a few years and is excited about having a hobby.

We're also starting to plan a camping trip for later this month in the Sierra Nevadas/Yosemite area. We might go for a whole week if we can get our apartment rented (we have someone in mind).

And the garden is beautiful!
The cherry tomato plant is monstrous!Bowl of sunshine!
Eggplant (still growing, haven't eaten yet):
Zucchini (have been eating these all of July):

Puppy Party!

Turnip's been quite the social busy body lately. The past two days she's had visitors great and small!

With Sully, her main boyfriend:
Getting tired after a long day of wrestling.
And these two adorable female doxies are Maki and Oly. Turnip is very nice to them, but they are a little confused as to how to play with her.

I can't tell them apart, so I have no idea which one this is. But very cute nonetheless.