Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Vacation Pictures

We all had a great time last week. Being in the wilderness is the perfect way to clear the mind and prepare for the months ahead. I didn't think that backpacking into the wilderness was going to be a relaxing time, but without TV, the internet, phone access and hundreds of books and magazines laying around all we had to do was play in the glacier lakes, lay in the sun and take naps. Of course climbing 4000 ft. in 1.5 miles can be challenging when the air is so thin, but it felt good.

The first day we drove through Yosemite. Here is the ubiquitous photo of Half Dome.The first night we car camped in a campground close to the trailhead. Our backpacking trip was in the Hoover Wilderness, part of a national forest bordering the northeastern part of Yosemite. The benefit is that Turnip is allowed, unlike a State Park (re: Yosemite) which is very restrictive for the activities of the canine companion. Here we are on the second day getting ready for the big hike:

Although she looks pretty mad here, she did very well carrying her food, sleeping pad and toys. I think she was upset that we put this on her at first, but once we started on the trail she was literally a happy camper.First lake on the hike. This scene is typical of the Sierra Nevada mountain range.
We stopped at every lake to refill water bottles and for Turnip to cool off. Unfortunately she wouldn't cooperate for this photo. These lakes are from glacial run off and are freezing!
This is at base camp. Turnip is hiding in the grasses to protect us from bears, mountain lions and rattle snakes. She did a very good job! She would often patrol around the tent to make sure things were safe. Such a good guard dog - in an apartment or in the wilderness.
This is one lake consisting of Frog Lakes. Surrounding it is meadows and berry bushes the black bears are fond of. This is the closest lake to our base camp where we would gather and filter all of our water. You can also see remnants of glaciers in the background. So pretty.......
Day hike climbing up to 12,000 ft. on the third day. I think there is something wrong with the camera - I couldn't get a picture of us not looking fat!

View from 12,000 ft! It's much more beautiful in person of course.
I've got a few more good photos, but I'll save them for another time.

1 comment:

Auntie C. said...

Wow - looks like a wonderful trip and I love that Turnip did it with you! Great photos too. The camera adds 10 pounds even if baked goods don't. Love, Aunt C.