Tuesday, September 25, 2007

So much to say, so little time

There are so many things I have been wanting to blog about in the past few week but my free time is very very sparse. I've been wanting to post pictures about things I've knitted over the summer, pictures of the front of our house and how it's looking much nicer these days, pictures of Turnip's new walking collar, entries about school and my feelings about psychiatric nursing...... there's just so much but you will all have to wait patiently.

This week started off really insane and now that I have my two exams over with, I can take the afternoon and evening off. Thank goodness. I thought my eyes were gong to start bleeding last night as I was studying for my test! But, you'll be happy to know I did very well on both and now I have two quizzes to look forward to this Friday. And I have to go to two 8 hour clinicals. And create and run an ocupational therapy group. And write a paper. And start working on my presentation. And have a one-to-one evaluation with my instructor. Oh jeez. I better just finish up these dishes first. One day at a time.......well, that might not work. Let's try one hour at a time.

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