Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Taking a day off

I told my instructor that I need a "mental health day" tomorrow as one of my two sick days days for the semester. I've just been stressed and overwhelmed and I don't think I would practice safe and competent nursing care tomorrow. It's a little lame that I'm taking a day off right before spring break, but I really think I need it to get through the rest of the week. When I told my friends this, they couldn't believe I was overwhelmed because I always look so confident and focused. And I've never even taken an acting class!

For my clinical today I got to go to the ER, which I love. There were so many minor traumas coming in by ambulance that I lost count. All but two were motor vehicle accidents (MVA). Apparently, this is very common around daylight savings time because people aren't as alert when they have to be up an hour earlier. I totally understand. This has been one of my hardest spring forwards I've had to deal with them. I've never liked them, but it's really hard when you have to wake up at 4:30 am knowing it's actually 3:30 am. I also got to do a lot of patient teaching (signs and symptoms of heart attacks in women) and practice my cardiac assessments. I called family members to tell them their loved ones were in the ER and talked to the families that were waiting in the lobby. I pushed lots of IV pain meds and watched my nurse start a lot of IVs. Soon I will be able to do that! Anyone want to volunteer their nice juicy veins?

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