Sunday, April 6, 2008

Garden Planted!

We took some time today to go to our favorite nursery and buy new plants for the new season. We got some flowering plants for the front yard (going with the purple, yellow and white theme) and some veggies for the back garden. We have peas, cucumbers, tomatoes, tomatillos, basil, swiss chard, eggplant and mixed lettuce. The lettuce is from seed and I'm really inexperienced with that. We'll see what pops up!

During the growing season, I love going outside every morning with my coffee and checking on the progress of my little babies. I'm such a goon.

1 comment:

the elders said...

We can hardly wait to see your yard. By the time we arrive your flowers will probably be in full bloom. Perhaps a bit of your veggies will be ready to eat.
So happy to hear you are taking a bit of time for yourself. Gardening is so theraputic.
Love you!!!