Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Well, that was pretty terrible.

The test was very hard, but not in the "I don't know this information" sort of way. Most of the questions were about teaching, delegating and prioritizing. And then there was the random pharmacology questions about a drug I've never heard of before. And everything was way to vague. Gimme details people! ::cry::

Basically, the NCLEX works like this - you have 6 hours to do anywhere from 75-265 questions. The number of question you get depends on how well you are answering the questions (in an algorithm sort of way). The test shuts off when the test is 95% certain that you have performed above the passing standard. The test will also base the questions they give you based on how you answered the previous question. Confusing? Yes. My test shut off in 75 questions (took an hour) so I either I did very well, or completely failed. And because my test was really hard, my friend Mike said that's a good sign because it means I did well enough for the test to give me more challenging questions. Oh, and they thrown in questions they are testing out for upcoming tests which don't count on our score and we don't know which ones those are. I still have no idea how I did.

I'm fried. Jake's taking me out to dinner.

1 comment:

Gary and Pat, Pat and Gary said...

I think it is quite clear that you aced the bugger... congrats in advance! Pat