Saturday, November 15, 2008

Go me!

Today I bribed a man with a cigarette so he would take his medications. I've sunk so low already.......


Gary and Pat, Pat and Gary said...

Real life sure does differ from school ... I say as long as your patient didn't light up using the opening from a tracheotomy (and maybe even if he/she did), you did OK. If I was a smoker and confined to residential care, smoking would be one of the pleasures I might want to hang on to in order to be "normal". If only someone would bribe me every day with a hit of rice pudding in order to take my meds, I'd be a happy camper! Pat

Marilyn said...

You're a good nurse! Ya do what ya gotta do! (No one said it would be pretty). Besides, it sounds like a fair trade to me.

Unknown said...

I love it. You are such a wonderful nurse. At some level, I agree with Pat - nothing is worse than seeing someone smoke out of their tracheotomy hole. Now imagine the smoker looking like a leatherized Marlboro man. Giggle, I don't know about you but I have seen this first hand as a have to love the 70's. Lots of love.