Saturday, October 30, 2010

Let's Start Again - Two year update mega post!

So it's been almost two years since the last update and I just got that feeling the other day that's it's time to start up again. No plans to do anything really cool or interesting here, just a way for non-Facebook family and friends to keep up with our goings on. So enjoy the new look, pretty pictures and minimal narrative content!
So so much has happened in the last two years, so let's recap before we move on.

June 2009 - We moved to the Santa Cruz mountains after living in town in Santa Cruz since 2003. This is the view from our porch and we feel lucky everyday that we have the opportunity to live here.
July 2009
- The Wedding! Beautifully planned and executed by our lovely parents.

And then the three week honeymoon in Bali, which I just realized we never shared pictures of. Here's a few:

August 2009 - I started my new job in the emergency nurse at Regional Medical Center. This was so very exciting for me after my awful first year of nursing!

October 2009 - Jake turned 30, but we have no photo documentation of that apparently.

November 2009 - Jake's mom and her friend Robin came out to visit us. It was such a nice week!

February 2010 - Jake turns in his dissertation!

February 3rd:
Then two days later I turn 30! Here is the cake my awesome friend Amey made for me!

May 2010 - Dr. Jake graduates with a PhD in philosophy.

August 2010 - Jake went to Europe for a month and I got to visit him in Paris for a week. We kind of think of this trip as a redo of our first honeymoon, which had its own set of problems! This international vacation went much better!

Well, I think I hit all they really high points of the past year and a half or so. Stayed tuned for future adventures!


Kaija said...

I love the two year update! Yay for blogs!

Gary and Pat, Pat and Gary said...

So glad you have picked this up again! It IS amazing how much has transpired in 2 years - the best part of it all for us is having you as an official family member! xxx