Wednesday, July 20, 2011

21 Weeks

We had the 20 week ultrasound last Thursday and according to Dr. Salvay everything was normal and the right size.  Not that we were worried, but it's good to hear!  Pumpkin was positioned with the head on my right side, butt on the left and feet pointing downwards during the scan.  Because of that position he couldn't get a good view of the heart so we'll be going back in a couple months to get that view.  Pumpkin weighs 14 ounces (as of last Thursday) and I can't remember the length.  I'm now 140 pounds and hungry all the time!  My appetite is monstrous.  I really don't want to turn in a pregnant she-beast in the next few months.  This is my favorite picture from the ultrasound:

 It's a fist if you can't tell and makes me think I have a little Cesar Chavez in there!

Jake took this picture of me last week as well.  My porch tomato plants are almost as tall as me.  (And yes, I wear this shirt all the time.)
I hope everyone back in Michigan is staying indoors with the AC on.  This heat wave better break before I arrive in MI!

1 comment:

Ilene said...

That was an interesting ultra sound picture. We could make out the fist and legs and in the lower right hand corner it sure looks like there is a face with lips and a nose. Could baby's be that defined yet?
The Elders