Monday, October 17, 2011

34 Weeks

I'm currently in the midst of my super busy month!  All last week was work and appointments the next week and a half will go as follows:

Today: work
Tuesday: work
Wednesday: work
Thursday: midwife and shopping for Saturday
Friday: 7am class for work
Saturday: super huge baby shower!
Sunday: work
Monday: work

I'm really hoping I'll get to finish off work but I promise I will stop early if it gets too hard or stressful.  It's just another long week then maternity leave where the only things I have planned are midwife appointments and parties (including another baby shower that my co-workers are throwing for me).  Also, a lot of internet shopping is planned so Pumpkin better not come too early.

I saw this on another pregnancy blog and thought I'd copy parts of it.  Here we go, Week 34 by the numbers.

1. Weeks pregnant: 34

2. Days pregnant: 238

3. Days until due date: 42 (OMG!!!)

4.  Blood pressure: 113/70

5.  Babies heart rate: last appointment it was about 140

6.  Items packed for hospital: 0

7.  Hours I predict I'll be in labor: 24

8. Number of childbirth education classes so far: 1

9.  Most recent baby purchase: super cute diaper covers and infant thermometer (edit: make that a humidifier since Jake just called from Costco)

10.  Number of hours of sleep I need to function: 5

11.  When I'm most energized: at work actually

12.  Diet: have been carb crazy lately, really need to work on more protein intake

13.  Exercise: mostly dog walks though I can't go very far since my bladder feels like it's going to explode within 10 minutes, gentle stretching as well that helps my hips and back

14.  Average number of times at night I get up to pee:  1

15.  Number of times I change position during sleep: countless!

16.  Things I enjoy about being pregnant: not a whole lot, but now that I'm nearing the light at the end of the tunnel, the baby part!

17.  Parts of my body that hurt the most: heartburn and pelvis (I swear it's dissolving!)

18. What I'm looking forward to post baby: baby snuggles, breastfeeding and being able to move around without grunting and moaning

19. Times I've been sick during the pregnancy: excluding nausea, 0, though I did have a couple of cruddy days where I felt I was almost getting sick, but it never really turned into anything.  I may take these vitamins forever!

20.  Time off for maternity leave: 4 weeks before and probably 2 months afterward, haven't totally decided but it's flexible

21.  How Jake and Turnip are doing: Jake has been a wonderful husband (foot rubs! making it to all midwife appointments) and expectant father (putting together the baby room, wanting to feel the baby move).  I can't wait to see him hold our Pumpkin!  I think Turnip knows there a change coming.  She sleeps by my side constantly on the floor when I'm sleeping alone.  She even pushes open the door with her head if I have the door closed because it's day time.  I think she'll be a great big sister.  The biggest challenge with her will be keeping their toys segregated.  She thinks all the baby toys are hers right now!

That was fun!  I like having stats!

1 comment:

Ilene said...

Today is Thursday, which means you have just 1 day of classes and 3 days of work left before you go on maternity leave. Hopefully, then you will be able to rest up a bit before the big PUSH.
The elders