Sunday, December 4, 2011

41 Weeks!

Oh dear!  What's a girl to do?  We're trying everything we can to get this baby out naturally.  I had two appointments this past week to make sure baby's heart rate is okay and everything is fine.  I've been having painless contractions since last Tuesday which kinda means I'm in very early labor.  It's just nice to know that something is happening in there!  This was me before by appointment on Saturday morning, when Jake thought we wouldn't come back to the house for a few days.  At this point our power was still out after the storms on Wednesday.  It was out for a total of 4 days and it was stressful!  Luckily it came back on Saturday afternoon and I got busy doing laundry and running the dishwasher.

Pat and Gary arrived last night and we're trying to think of things to keep us occupied.  Today we went to pick out a Christmas tree!  Jake has been wanting one for years and I finally caved.  We went to a tree farm near our house and picked out the best one, of course.

Here is Jake and Gary coming to inspect that one I choose.

Jake and I next to the tree before it was cut.

 Jake and Gary did a great job!

I was horrible at trying to saw off the little branches at the bottom.  I didn't even one off!  We were hoping this would induce labor.

Packed up on the car.

Me using techniques to remind Pumpkin to come out!!

1 comment:

Amey said...

oh dear, sweet little Pumpkin, what are you doing in there?! :)

I love the pictures though, and am glad to hear that all is well with the little one. Just taking their time, I suppose. Hope you are having fun with Jake's parents - how fun to get an xmas tree!! That's on our list for this week too. :)
