Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Stats

As of April 16th, Enzo is 16.7 pounds (75th percentile!) and 25 inches.  Such a big boy.  He's surpassed doubling his birth weight already.  When I visited Jen and her new baby Sarah, I couldn't remember Enzo ever being that small.  It must have been the delirium caused by sleep deprivation...

He had his four month vaccines as well on Monday and it was a very rough Tuesday.  So grumpy and just not feeling good.  I broke out the Tylenol and had to give him several doses throughout the day because he looked so uncomfortable.  Poor little guy.  Today he's doing better and a little happier.  Makes everyone happier for that matter!

In Sacramento after a looooong day (last Tuesday).

Bath toys are so much fun!!

"Stop it mom!"

Loves to sit and play.  His little chair helps him do just that.

The skunk sweater made its debut and it entirely too cute.


Today in the kitchen, where he watches me do dishes and cook.


Ilene said...

What a big boy!! And cuter all the time. Must be great to have a cheering section when you are busy doing kitchen chores.
The elders

Ilene said...

What a big boy!! And cuter all the time. Must be great to have a cheering section when you are busy doing kitchen chores.
The elders