Enzo turned 9 months on the 10th! He's doctor appointment is on the 20th so we'll see what his weight and height are then. My guess he's now 20+ pounds! His growth has been a little slower lately - most of his 6 months clothes still fit, if not snugly - but I was reading this is common with breastfed babies. I'm encouraging slow growth! My bicep strength needs to catch up with his weight!
He is becoming quite the bean enthusiast! He really liked the black bean veggie soup I made last week and today was licking off the hummus I put on his toast. He's still a very independent eater and we don't have a lot of luck feeding him from a spoon. At mealtimes we just put out a wide variety of different finger foods for him to try - broccoli, green beans, toast, melon, beans, rice noodles with a light sauce. It is so so messy.
New video!
Enzo on his skoot-skoot. Once again, this video is terribly shot by me and you see way too much of Jake's butt in it. However, you can see Enzo has the need for speed and is balancing on the seat. He looks so happy on his little trike!
He is signing milk regularly and within the correct context. He's a genius. Cute story - the other day he signed milk so I picked him up to feed him. Once he started nursing I looked at him, smiled and signed milk for reinforcement. He then unlatched, gave me a big smile and signed milk back! It was incredibly sweet.
Enzo can now play ball with us - he throws it at us and we roll it back to him. It's our first game together!
His fifth tooth has popped out, on the bottom right.
And I can't not write a post without a picture....