Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year!

First post of the new year!  We didn't have any plans for new year's eve but at the last minute we heard from another Bonny Doon local about an event hosted by local train enthusiasts.  I couldn't quite get the full story, but basically there's this piece of land near the Davenport/Swanton area where a one-third gauge antique steam train resides.  Here's a website for more info.  The train is operational with a really cool steam engine and was decorated with lots of Christmas lights.  For Bonny Doon residents they hosted a potluck and free train rides New Year's Eve.  Here is Enzo enjoying some sourdough on the train.  It was cold that night, but we had fun!

The days have been nice so we're trying to get out more often.  Here's Enzo's favorite part of the park - the bouncy fire engine.

Then last weekend we went on a nearly spontaneous trip to Tahoe at a family friendly resort called Granlibakken.  It was a nice place and had a The Shining/Twin Peaks/summer camp vibe - in a good way though!  Jake really wanted Enzo to experience the snow.  Even though I wasn't really looking forward to this trip, it ended up being really fun!  Enzo wasn't quite sure what to make of the snow, but he didn't hate it!

All bundled!

The thumbless mittens gave him useless t-rex arms!

Jake and I went snowshoeing while Enzo napped.  Okay, not the whole time, but for most of it.  Must be comfy up there on Jake's back.

Enzo thought throwing snowballs at mom was hilarious.  He was really cracking up right before I shot the video.


Jen, Lance and Sarah came form Sacramento to spend an afternoon with us on the second day.  Here we are posing as if we had built this funny snowman.  Maybe next time we'll build our own when the children can at least help a little!  

More snowshoeing on the second day.

Hiked up to the top of the ski lift.  No skiing for us.  This time.

And when we got home Jake put together a new sweet ride for Enzo.  Helmeted fun is this mom's favorite kind!  I can see them getting a lot of use out of this.  (Jake was looking at a deer at the top of the driveway when I took this.)

1 comment:

Ilene said...

What a wonderful way to start the new year - trainrides, snowshoing, throwing snowballs, enjoying friends and having fun. We are not sure if Jake, Lorenzo or Alana had the most fun, but it was probably a close tie.
The elders