Sunday, March 10, 2013

15 Months

This past month Enzo seems to be sick constantly!  I knew when we decided to enroll him in the Montessori school that this would happen until he build up more immunity.  He constantly has a runny nose and last week Friday he came home with pink eye!  We spent 2 hours of our Saturday at urgent care to get a prescription.  The doctor on duty said he may have the beginning of an ear infection, but since the doctor said it was so minor we decided to wait on oral antibiotics.  His eye cleared up right away and this past week he hasn't had signs of an ear infection.  Still congested, coughing and runny nose though.  Poor guy!

Grandma Tweet and Nonny came on their second annual Grandmageddon trip at the end of February and it was fantastic to have them around.  I'll admit I got a bit lazy and slept in a few if not all the morning they were here.  It was so so great!  I thank them from the bottom of my heart that I was able to get some more sleep and kick my feet up a bit.  The week went by fast with lots of Enzo antic, eating and a few short day trips.

 Random pictures from the past month:

This happened on grandmas watch.....

With great grandma Helen in Modesto.

Loves his outdoor time!

One of the highlights of Grandmageddon was receiving this beautiful quilt!  I love it so much.  The love and care that went into making it is instantly recognizable.

Just look at that beautiful embroidery!  The little mouse and moon is one of my favorite squares.  At this point I'm not even letting Enzo touch this quilt....
Ok, in this video we kind of look like hill billies - kid in diaper feeding food from the floor to a pit bull - but really, it was a classy event!  I took off his clothes after breakfast because he was soaked, then Grandma Tweet started feeding him her signature oranges in cardamom syrup.  I love how he dances for them!

Favorite Activities:  Being outside, asking to eat with sign language as he is eating, putting things in containers (I cut a hole in a coffee can lid and gave him some clothespins - LOVED IT)

Dislikes: Being put in the stroller and car seat

What he's eating:  Went to town on some lentil soup tonight, ate whole rice for the first time last week at a Thai restaurant (would always spit it out before), he loves milkshakes (takes after Uncle Sheddy), went through a serious peanut butter and jelly phase which is now over, eating more variety of veggies and fruits (loves oranges and bananas)

New experiences: Saying mama, dada and maybe dog ("da!" when pointing to the dog in the book).  He signs 'more', 'again', 'eat', 'dog', 'all done', and 'milk', met great-grandma Helen for the first time

Nicknames: Glazed Donut, Little Man


Ilene said...

Sound as though your "little man" is becoming an independent big boy. He loves to eat good food and doesn't like being confined. Good for him!!
The elders

Amey said...

great post!! I was hoping to see some pics of The Quilt - it is SO BEAUTIFUL! What an amazing creation, and what a super meaningful thing for Enzo to have... made with love from both of his grandmothers!!