Saturday, April 27, 2013

Such A Toddler

Today I had an overwhelming sense he is a toddler (and turning into a little boy).  He's starting to get strong preferences for things, which in my mind epitomizes toddlerhood.  For example, as the pictures below demonstrate, he chose and insisted wearing these too big shoes and then insisted on sweeping the driveway.  Just a little moment I wanted to share!

On Wedensday Enzo got stung by a bee in the house.  After the initial shock and Advil administration, I packed him up in the car and we went out for a milkshake.  He seemed to forget all about his earlier trauma!

And in Turnip news, she is starting to feel better and actually ate a dinner tonight!  It's been a week since she ate anything and we were so worried about her.  She's still on antibiotics for her mystery disease but they seem to be helping.  Poor Turnip!  Thanks for all of your concern.  It meant the world to me.

1 comment:

Ilene said...

What a helpful little fellow, even in too big shoes. Such a sweetheart
The elders