Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Part I

I didn't think we were going to do much for Christmas this year with a possible upcoming move, but last week, Jake decided he wanted a tree, we needed stockings and many many more presents for Enzo.  So, we've been hard at work like the good parents we are trying to make a nice holiday for Enzo.

This first picture was midway through decorating the tree.  I made Enzo hot chocolate to create a mood and Jake put on a Leonard Cohen record to create some other kind of (depressing) mood.  Here he is enjoying the work his parents put into the tree while sipping the hot chocolate.

This looks like a sweet father son moment, but Jake was trying to fix an ornament he just dropped and broke.  Enzo attempted to decorate but kept cramming ornaments on the same branch of the tree.  Didn't quite get the whole ornament concept this year.  Still stinkin' cute though!  

Apparently, Enzo has been hard at work too making us a little something!  We haven't opened it yet but this picture from school that is attached to the gift is hysterical.

I know it's totally cheesy but it melted my heart when I saw it.  I pictured him placing the cut outs of holly and berries on the wreath frame and his sweet teachers who helped him.  I pictured him getting the antlers being placed on his head and then giving the photographer a "What the heck?" look.  When I picked him up from school last Friday they had been decorating sugar cookies (he only ate one) and his teacher said he spent a lot of time on them.  It was so sweet I just had to take a picture!  

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