Thursday, April 25, 2013

Playground Videos

Well, someone was being awfully cute at the playground today!  It's amazing he was having such a good time because less than an hour before this he was stung by a bee at home!  He was pretty cranky and upset.  I guess some Advil and a car ride will do wonders for a miserable child.

In two parts:

#1  Noisy little fellow

#2 And here, if you listen closely he says "thank you!" at 0:45 seconds.  Well, he yells it after giving me a wood chip.  Then he does a little dance at the end of the video.  What a delightful little child!


jsalisbury said...

I love how you can hear Jake giggle and Enzo say Daddy on the first video. Put a smile on my face. :)

Ilene said...

Love Lorenzo's sound effects. He sure is a lively, sweet boy.
The elders

Ilene said...

Love Lorenzo's sound effects. He sure is a lively, sweet boy.
The elders