Friday, February 28, 2014


Grateful for fun times in the puddles.

Grateful for Turnip's new accessories that have her new address on them.

Grateful for his Montessori education to keep Enzo busy indoors on rainy days.  Fun with what berries and a new sand toy.

Grateful for his adorable little voice!  Enzo likes to ask for little cups of coffee and feels so special just carrying it around.  He never drinks it and only spills a little.  (Also, have you noticed every video ends with him grabbing the phone?)

Monday, February 24, 2014


Grateful Enzo will get to grow up with this nectarine tree (or nectarine stick as the case may be).



Grateful for a photogenic child and a cool new tractor.
 Bonus: here's a video of Enzo inspecting his new tractor!

Grateful for cleaning helpers.

Grateful for a valentine including my favorite subjects - coffee and art!

Grateful for the chance to bake a birthday cake and spend time with Jen!

Grateful for a new to us piano.

Grateful for finding little treasures in our woods.

Grateful for spending time with the Salisburys.  Enzo loves Penny and Sarah so much!

Grateful for blossoms on our cherry and nectarine trees.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Grateful for Jake for initiating the decorating.

Bonus: Grateful for the rain as a learning experience for Enzo.  He discovered puddles for the first time today.  Loves stomping in them so much....but doesn't like his pants being wet!

Grateful for signs of spring after it stopped raining.  We got almost 17 inches in one weekend!  Can't wait to see what this place does over the next few months.

 Grateful for a cool red forest floor.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Grateful to spend my birthday with my boys.  They took me out to breakfast because I had to work later that day.  And grateful for all the birthday love from all my family. 

Grateful that Enzo likes to play outside, even though tracking in all the dirt drives me nuts.

Grateful for chocolate and butter melting together.  Makes it worth getting a year older.  (Making sweet and salty caramel brownies for a small gathering on Friday.)

Grateful for rain!!  We've been teased the past few days, but now it's really coming down and will be all weekend.  (And strangely this is the first picture of the house I've taken - it's homely and teal, but it's ours!)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Off the Turnip Cart

Well I've really fallen off the turnip cart this time!  Even though I haven't been posting my grateful thoughts for the day, I've been thinking about them ALL THE TIME!  We are just so busy with moving and by the time I have time to sit at the computer I'm just too tired to think (and would rather watch a movie).  I am grateful to so many people who have helped us with this transition.  I'm coming around to the idea of owning a house (yeah, I'm a little late to the game) and I'm now convinced it's for the better.  It's hard now, but when society crumbles and Santa Cruz county turns into an apocalyptic wasteland, we are blessed with a 150ft well, infinite firewood and land to grow food on. Ok, that's a little extreme for the "pros" column, but we really are in a wonderful spot.  Once we get more settled and the boxes are finally out of our line of sight, Jake wants to do a video house tour to show you all the whole package - I know you're all dying to see it.  We are still waiting for furniture (dining room table, bedroom dressers and the like) so there is just massive clutter everywhere now and it's driving us a little insane.  Good thing my friend Kim came over yesterday so Jake and I could go out on a relaxing date night.  (To our other friends credit, Enzo has been watched by most everyone we know - but until last night they were all for moving purposes.)  There is still so much to do and I get that paralyzed feeling when I think of it all at once.  The new mantra is "one box at a time".  

On another note, Jake and I celebrate 15 years together today!  February 1st is our unofficial anniversary and we haven't really acknowledged it in a few years.  But, 15 years sounds very legit and worth noting.  So to wrap up, our date night celebrated our anniversary, my birthday and our new house.  Wowzers.
Our little piece of earth.

Grateful for sweet friends who rationed away holiday cookies for me and gave us bursts of energy throughout moving day!

On moving day, carbo-loading with challah.  Not sure about all this empty house business.

Making it official.

Stomping around.  Opening doors.  Exploring in pink pants.